Seeking the spiritual renewal of Denver through live conversations about faith and culture

Regular lectures for the disciple of Jesus, the skeptic, and everyone in between.

In a rapidly secularizing city that views Christianity with increasing suspicion, the church in Denver must equip followers of Jesus to intelligibly articulate the orthodox, historic Christian faith in order that others might be drawn into discipleship to Jesus. Through regular, interactive lectures from theologians, pastors, apologists, and evangelists, the Denver Lecture Series seeks to create dedicated learning environments for Christians to grow in deeper discipleship to Jesus, and to more clearly understand and articulate the historic Christian faith.

Lectures beginning in 2023

We’re so excited to reveal our lineup of speakers for 2023. As the dates become available, we will let you know!

“I am responsible for what I believe and, I might add, for what I refuse to believe, because the content of what I do or do not believe makes a tremendous difference to what I become and how I act.”

— J.P. Moreland

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